Contao CMS Module development

Ordering touristic services for Contao CMS

This project already had ordering system. Problem was as system was not flexible for adittional options like sesonal prices. Flights configurator needed to have adittional configurations, discounts.


Extension for project was built new from ground to include more flexibility and easier configurations and changes on expanded listo of destinations and hotels. New version also included apartments configurator.

New system also included more flexible notiffications related to varius options. Including booking entrits for local attractions.

Some Features

  • Support for island, city, hotel hierarchy
  • automatic pre filing of forms
  • several different forms layouts
  • checker for Google URL Shortener
  • saving all forms data to internal database
  • seasonal changing of forms
  • notifications to agency and client
  • backend options for flights, rates, availability
  • options for licenses, visas, persons
  • fully animated

Frontend and backend development

For this project we built backend configurator and ordering system where clients build own set of features when makeing turistic arengement.

Person first decide which citi will be visited. Then is selected hotel or vila from set of available options. Available are high and low season set of prices. Descounts on different date for flights.

Design for this project was provided by Client.