Custom built Framework Application


This is framework based application built from ground.

It have 4 different sections. Students/Parents section, teacher section, tour coordinator section and admin section. Each section have own dashboard which include own set of options depending on user type.

Students/Parents can see all trip details. Flights, hotels, payment informations, informations from school teacher or tour coordinators. Participants can see or download trip documents directly on their phones.

Tour registrants in case when selected trip is fully occupied can have status whitelisted potential travlers. Such profiles can be contacted individually and their status can be changed at any time.

Portal provide creating profiles (trip cooperators) which help school teachers in operating with their trip members.

Some features

  • Pre-tour and trip evaluation
  • Trip participants editing and configurations
  • Trip documents upload and sharing
  • Tour founding options
  • Rooming configurator (mouse and touch screen type)
  • Notification system
  • Students resources system with automated email notifications
  • Tours itinerary configurator
  • Trip payments and financial informations

Administrative and coordinator section

Administrative section enable editing member profiles, importing latest trip informations from main database, sending emails to all trips members, coordinators, school teachers.

Trips coordinator section include uploading trip documents to school teachers. Teacher are notified when new document is forwarded to them or when new version of trip document is available.

All tour coordinators and portal administrators have entrance to teachers pre-tour and post tour evaluations.

Administration include basic aggregate financial informations on payments, registrations, portal usage, selected portal features usage.